Senior Golfers: Long and Loose Swing For More Distance

Aug 20, 2023


As golfers age, they often experience a decline in strength and power. This can lead to frustration on the golf course, as they may feel the need to swing harder to compensate for their diminishing physical abilities. However, swinging harder is not the solution. In this blog post, we will discuss a valuable tip for senior golfers that can help them improve their game - focusing on a long and loose swing. By understanding the importance of a relaxed swing and implementing techniques to lengthen their backswing, senior golfers can achieve greater distance and accuracy without exerting unnecessary effort.

Understanding the Problem:

As we age, our bodies naturally become weaker. Many senior golfers make the mistake of compensating for this weakness by swinging harder. However, this approach often leads to poor results. When you swing harder, you tend to tighten up, resulting in a slower club speed and a less effective swing. This can lead to inconsistent shots, including the dreaded "chicken wing" swing, where the ball is hit off the back foot. It is crucial for senior golfers to understand that swinging harder is not the solution to hitting the ball with power and accuracy.

The Long and Loose Swing:

Instead of focusing on swinging harder, senior golfers should aim for a long and loose swing. This approach allows for greater club head speed and generates more power without sacrificing control. To achieve a long and loose swing, it is essential to lengthen the backswing. While it may seem counterintuitive, overdoing the length of the backswing during practice can help senior golfers develop a better sense of the swing's full potential.

Implementing the Technique:

One effective technique to lengthen the backswing is to watch the club head out of the corner of the forward eye. By doing so, golfers can visually track the club head's position and ensure a longer backswing. While this exaggerated length may not be replicated during actual swings, it serves as a helpful reference point for senior golfers to understand the concept of a longer swing. By practicing this technique at the range or during practice swings at home, golfers can gradually become more comfortable with a longer backswing.

Benefits of a Long and Loose Swing:

A long and loose swing offers several advantages for senior golfers. Firstly, it allows for a more effortless swing, reducing the strain on the body and minimizing the risk of injury. Secondly, a longer backswing provides more time to generate club head speed, resulting in greater distance. Lastly, a relaxed swing promotes better accuracy and consistency, as it eliminates the tension that can negatively impact the swing.


For senior golfers looking to improve their game, focusing on a long and loose swing is key. Swinging harder may seem like the logical solution, but it often leads to poor results. By understanding the importance of a relaxed swing and implementing techniques to lengthen the backswing, senior golfers can achieve greater distance, accuracy, and consistency without exerting unnecessary effort. So, next time you step onto the golf course, remember to prioritize a long and loose swing for optimal performance.

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