Paul Wilson 3 Day Golf Schools In Las Vegas

If You Would Like To Attend A School Please Fill Out The From Below

My 3 day schools will teach you a great swing and you'll finally understand exactly how the golf swing works and exactly what you should be working on.  These schools are not for the person looking for a quick band-aid fix. They're only for people who are serious about their game and developing a powerful, effortless, pain-free golf swing that'll last forever.  If you've worked on your swing in the past only to have it fall apart, or if you're frustrated, or confused, these schools are for you.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us. If you don't see the date you're looking for, please contact us or consider booking a private full or half day lesson.

2024 School Information & Pricing

3 Day Golf Schools (18 hours)


  • $3,099 - Singles
  • $2,599/eachΒ - Couples/Friends/Returning Students

Student / Teacher Ratio

  • Schools are up to a 5:1 teacher/student ratio (maximum of 10 per school).
  • Paul Wilson is the lead instructor for this school.


  • Bear's Best Golf Club Las Vegas

For School Bookings & Info Please Fill Out This Form

We Will Get Back To You As Soon AS Possible.

School Itinerary

Day 1

  • 8:45am – 9:00am – Students Warm Up
  • 9:00am – 9:30am – Video Swing Analysis – Before Swing
  • 9:30am – 12:00pm – Intro / Grip / Set Up / Follow Through Positions
  • 12:00pm – 1:00pm – Lunch
  • 1:00pm – 2:30pm – Individual Instruction
  • 2:30pm – 3:00pm – Backswing Position 1
  • 3:00pm - 4:00pm - Individual Instruction

Day 2

  • 8:45am – 9:00am – Students Warm Up
  • 9:00am – 9:30am – Review Day 1 – Follow Through Positions & Backswing 1
  • 9:30am – 10:00am – Backswing Position 2 /
  • 10:00am - 12:00pm - Individual Instruction
  • 12:00pm – 1:00pm – Lunch
  • 1:00pm – 2:00pm – How to Hit Driver/Cure Slices
  • 2:00pm – 3:00pm – Pitching / Knock Down Shots / Flop Shots
  • 3:00pm – 4:00pm – Greenside Bunkers / Fairway Bunkers

Day 3

  • 8:45am – 9:00am – Students Warm Up
  • 9:00am – 9:30am – Re-cap of All Positions
  • 9:30am – 10:30pm - Choose Downswing Trigger
  • 10:30am - 12:00pm - Individual Instruction
  • 12:00pm – 1:00pm – Lunch
  • 1:00pm – 1:30pm - How To Fix Your Own Swing
  • 1:30pm – Individual Instruction / Video After Swing and Review
  • 2:00pm – 3:00pm – Chipping
  • 3:00pm – 4:00pm – Putting

If You Would Like To Attend A School Please Fill Out The From Above or Below:

Testimonials From Actual Students


Gary Nelson

Paul,  Red, Don, Hugh and I all agreed that your golf school was fantastic.  While we all had different expectations and issues, you and Pete did a nice job of focusing in on what each one of us needed to work on to improve our golf games.  During our afternoon rounds we all had a few "wow" shots and could start to see the potential that your golf swing has for us.  Hugh's highlight was breaking 90 for the first time in 18+ months.

I encouraged everyone to make a list of the things they need to work on and to take it with them to the range.  Personally, I'm going to spend a lot of time in the yard doing practice swings and learning the fastest hip turn that this old body can achieve.

Thanks again for a great couple of days.  Maybe we'll make this an annual visit to get a spring golf "tuneup".


Tom Eckhert

Dear Paul,  Karen and I want to thank you and Pete again for the great golf school.  We really got a lot out of it, and we've been practicing diligently for 90 minutes every afternoon.

At least since Thanksgiving as the rain followed us home and did not let up until Wednesday.  I'm almost touching my knees together consistently in the follow thru, and the takeaway you showed me helps considerably with uncoiling and bringing the club face back to square.

Karen, of course, has it all down pat, and is hitting her driver a ton.  She's very enthused about her Tuesday, Thursday games now, and plans to play in more competitions next year.

I'm playing tomorrow with my usual golf group, and we'll see if I can keep it together.  As they say, looking good on the range doesn't necessarily translate to the course.

Keep the tips coming.  We'll be back next year for a tune up.

Best regards,


Dave Zornes

Good Morning Paul,  I know I kind of left in a hurry yesterday afternoon and just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the school and working with you and Pete.  I'm anxious to be that first CEO that keeps up the practice until I get this thing down right!!  I spent a half hour last night when I got home in front of the mirror working on my hinge at the top and not getting the club so far behind me!!

Thanks again and I'll keep you posted how it's coming along.


Mike Hardinger

Hi Paul.  Just a note to you and Pete saying thanks for the golf school.  I really enjoyed both of you guys and feel that I got a lot of things out of the school.  You do a real nice job of keeping things straightforward and simple--even though they are hard to do for an old arm hitter!


Art McCullouch

Paul, Thanks for taking the time to teach Annie and me last week.  We have many great thoughts about our future on the course together.  I know I was not the best student and demonstrated slower than expected progress, but I will keep striving to improve with your ongoing help.


Andy Cohen

Paul.  Thanks for the wonderful day!. I learned a ton and you are a very patient teacher!!  You are an excellent coach and mentor!  Your explanations of physics are terrific!


Eric Shurr

Paul’s Wilson’s golf schools, lessons, and videos are the best golf instruction resources I’ve ever found in my 30+ years of playing golf.

I’ve been to a number of golf schools, some of them run by brand-name instructors, and have had countless golf lessons. Paul’s approach to golf is the simplest, most understandable, and most effective that I’ve ever seen.

I was initially skeptical that ANY online video could be helpful (“If you can’t see me, how can you help me?”) but I changed my mind after watching Paul’s videos. They are easy to understand, and you can apply them on your own with just a little bit of thought and practice.

I also attended one of Paul’s golf schools with my wife and two others, and we loved every second of it. His knowledge of the golf swing is second-to-none, and his personality and sense of humor are great. The days flew by, and when it was over we all wished there was more.  We all came away confident that we could apply what we learned, and that it would make a big difference in our scores and our love of the game.

The improvements have already begun: my wife recently shot 12 strokes better than her normal round in her first game after the school! While the true test of improvement requires one to play a number of games, this is a remarkable accomplishment in such a short amount of time. And she attributes all of her recent success to Paul’s instruction.

If you’re looking for golf instruction that is easy to digest, easy to apply, and fun, turn to Paul Wilson.

For School Bookings & Info Please Fill Out This Form

We Will Get Back To You As Soon AS Possible.