Paul Wilson Golf Instruction
Learn A Powerful, Effortless, Pain-Free Golf Swing
Hi, I'm Paul Wilson, creator of The Body Swing, Swing Machine Golf and the Director of the Paul Wilson Golf School at Bear's Best Las Vegas. So here you're surfing around looking for tips, lessons and products to help improve your golf swing.
I know it can be confusing because there are so many teachers out there, all with their own thoughts and techniques. So why would you want to follow me?
Well, I've been teaching a powerful, effortless, pain-free golf swing since 1991. Think about that. I've taught the very same way for all these years. Why would I do that? I teach this way because my students:
- Get amazing results ... fast
- Play pain-free golf
- Finally understand exactly how the golf swing works
- Know exactly how to fix their own swing ... instantly (there is no guessing or experimenting)
- And, I keep it simple
I've been fixing flaws and getting people to hit the ball better than they ever have in their life super-fast now since 1991. This is because my students come from all over the world for lessons. They're only here for a few hours then they go home. So in this short period of time, I need to get results in minutes and that is exactly what I do. This is what sets me apart.
If you would like to learn a powerful, effortless, pain-free golf swing then please check out my products, lessons and schools and start having more fun playing golf!
3 Ways To Learn My Technique Today!

The Body Swing
Learn a powerful, effortless, pain-free golf swing. This is what I teach all students.

Swing Machine Golf
Learn how to copy the perfect swing of Iron Byron with 10 easy lessons.

Tips Membership
Access over 1,300 of my video golf tips for a low monthly or yearly fee.
Come Out For Private Lessons, Golf Schools, Swing Analysis

Golf Lessons
I'm available for private or semi-private lessons as well as small groups.

Swing Analysis
Send in your front & down the line videos and we send you back a full analysis.
FREE Golf Tips
New To My Instruction? Check Out Some Of My Free Tips
YouTube Tips: This is how most people find me. I have tons of tips on YouTube so you can get a feel for my instruction. Check them out here: Paul Wilson Golf On YouTube
Finally Play To Your Potential

Learn A Powerful Swing
Have you ever hit that one shot in your life 30-50 yards farther than any other shot? I bet you have. What did it feel like? I bet it felt effortless. So, you've already done an effortless golf swing why would you not want to do that swing all of the time? Well, now you can.

Play Pain-Free
If you're in pain playing golf you're doing it wrong. In no way should it hurt to do the golf swing. Over the years, I've helped countless people play pain-free golf. The best part about it is, you don't have to beat zillions of balls to learn it. You can literally learn it at home doing practice swings.

Learn an Effortless Swing
Have you ever marveled at a person with an effortless swing? Then you step up and swing out of your shoes. Why would you do this? Why not learn this effortless swing too and have everyone marveling at you. Well, now you can learn this swing and it's simple.

Have More Fun Playing Golf
Imagine how much more fun golf would be if you had a powerful, effortless, pain-free golf swing. No more having your friends out drive you, no more pain, lower scores. You've come to the right place now it's time to take action. You will be so glad you did.
Even More Testimonials From Real Students ...

Jim Place
Paul I had four birdies on the front 9 this morning. Shot 35 on the front and 40 on the back. 75 was my lowest round ever on this course. Slope rating 141. Not where I need to be but game is more consistent.

Burt Ford
Paul, Thanks so much for the lesson today! It was so good to meet you in person. Like I told you this was on my bucket list and boy was I not disappointed. You have a wonderful way of explaining the golf swing in very simple terms yet very effective! I have a lot of work to do but you have showed me how to work on it !
Thanks for helping Greg too. He enjoyed it very much and I will continue to help him as we help each other ! If I can ever help you in any way please be sure to let me know!
Thanks again!

Mike Sheller
Paul: Today i took 12 strokes off my game. the light came on at the back nine regarding what you taught me and i finished with a score of 82. the goal of breaking 80 is just around the corner!! Thanks again. Hope you are well.

Dan Charpentier
Paul. I want to thank u again. I feel like I have good understanding of what I really need to improve. You have been the most help to my game in 30 years. I really need to work out a few things in my swing and then have you look at me again in s few months. I am motivated to get this as good as I can get it.
Thank you again.

Bob Horgan
Paul, I just want to say that my trip to Vegas was a great experience.
After we finished up, I spent about an hour chipping, an hour putting and almost an hour pitching...all with excellent results. And by excellent, I don't mean where the ball wound up at the target, (which it largely did) but that my attitude in practice has changed to working on the principles of ball striking, rather than the immediate results achieved.
I then went on to the practice tee and followed your idea about five practice swings and then one swing with the ball in place. Contrary to what I thought, it wasn't boring at all. The actual hit became a kind of reward for working on the principles of a good swing, rather than on some Golf Digest quick "fix". Good stuff.
I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Best wishes,
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