Earn 50% Selling All Paul Wilson Products
Dear affiliate marketers,
I pay 50% Commissions on all of my products. 90 day tracking cookie. Refund rates are less than 2% currently (which is unheard of). Links to the main site, optin pages and product pages are in your dashboard after you log in.
I am open to ideas so let me know if you need someone to help promote the products.
Below are all of the products you can sell:
Here Are All Of The Products You Can Sell:
The Body Swing
This is my latest product. It includes a full video series (4 hours), 205 page PDF eBook, 2 review booklets and 30 days free access to the tips membership. Salespage with video. After purchase customer is sent log in info to access the product. Check it out here: The Body Swing

Driver Video Bundle
Great value for those who need to learn how to hit driver. 4 full video series. How To Hit Driver Consistently, How To Cure Your Slice, 20 Ways To Gain Distance, How To Get Distance.

Cure Your Slice
Slicing is the #1 problem for golfers. This video series has it's own landing page. User buys and is presented with up & downsells for the other driver videos. Check out the landing page with sales videos here: Cure Your Slice Landing Page

Cure Your Swing Flaws
5 new videos in this bundle (you can sell individually too). Stop Coming Over The Top, Fix Your Chicken Wing, How To Get Lag, How To Fix Your Swing and a bonus video How To Hit A Draw. These are full videos series. Great value. Landing page here: Cure Your Swing Flaws

Golf Tips Membership
Along with the purchase of The Body Swing or Swing Machine Golf full bundle the customer gets 30 days full access to the tips. Once the membership ends they are emailed to sign up to become a full member. If so, you get paid.

Swing Machine Golf
This is my original series. The book was published in 2001 and videos shot in 2005. This product is unique as it teaches people how to copy the perfect swing of Iron Byron. There is no other product like it on the market. Also includes the short game series. 8 hours plus eBook.

SMG Speciality Videos
These go along with Swing Machine Golf or can be stand alone products sold as a bundle or separately. They include: How To Cure A Slice, How To Get Distance, How To Hit Driver, Shaping Shots, Faults & Fixes.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you need any graphics, emails etc. I want you to be successful.
Paul Wilson