Mastering Long Putts: A Key to Improving Your Golf Game

Aug 25, 2023


In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of practicing long putts in golf and how it can significantly improve your game. Many golfers tend to neglect long putts during their practice sessions, but by following a specific technique, you can reduce the number of three-putts and ultimately lower your scores. We will also explore a unique approach to putting long distances and provide tips to help you develop a confident and effective putting stroke.

Why Practice Long Putts?

Long putts are often overlooked during practice sessions, as many golfers tend to focus on shorter putts around the hole. However, neglecting long putts can lead to three-putts, which can be detrimental to your overall score. By dedicating time to practicing long putts, you can improve your distance control, accuracy, and confidence on the greens.

The Technique:

To effectively practice long putts, it is recommended to focus solely on long and short putts during your practice sessions. Avoid spending excessive time on putts around 12 feet, as this may not yield significant improvements. Instead, concentrate on putts ranging from 30 feet or more and short putts within 3 to 6 feet.

Developing a Blank Mindset:

When putting long distances, it is crucial to let your mind go blank and allow your body to calculate the distance intuitively. This approach may seem challenging to grasp initially, but with practice, it becomes more natural. By visualizing the target and taking three practice strokes while looking at the hole, you can develop a sense of the distance without overthinking the mechanics of your stroke.

Putting it into Practice:

To illustrate the technique, let's consider a scenario where you are practicing long putts. Stand at a distance of approximately 50 feet from the hole and take three practice strokes while looking at the target. As you set up for the putt, focus on letting your mind calculate the distance rather than thinking about the force required. By adopting this mindset, you allow your body to naturally adjust and execute the putt.

Benefits of Practicing Long Putts:

By consistently practicing long putts, you can significantly reduce the number of three-putts in your game. This improvement can lead to a reduction of 1 to 5 shots per round, resulting in lower scores and increased confidence. As your scores improve, your overall game will benefit, allowing you to take your golf skills to new heights.


Practicing long putts is a crucial aspect of improving your golf game. By dedicating time to long putts and short putts, you can enhance your distance control, accuracy, and confidence on the greens. Remember to let your mind go blank and allow your body to calculate the distance intuitively. By following this technique, you can reduce the number of three-putts and ultimately lower your scores. So, put in the effort, practice those long putts, and watch your game improve!

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